Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 255

It's been 4 months since my last update.

Brief update.

- Internet server for is up.

- Took my Human Resource Management and retook my Business Communication exam, Passed the HR and failed BC AGAIN. Man.. i suck at communicating.

- Spending time in Facebook since they have a lot of new applications and stuff yeah.

- Officially became a fan of Coldplay.

- Lately put on 5kg of fats, reason: never train, slacking in camp doing NOTHING.

- Heard there was a Taiwan trip in Camp, only 10 ppl can go from my company. in the end don't know what happen, they said only 3. DAMN pissed off. then weeks later my friend said he cannot go for the trip also. they only allowed 1 pathetic slot. wth is the government doing with the money. they allow all those k.n.n drivers to go Australia and Russia all. wth DRIVERS! they the most useless ppl in NS. SO.... my CSM cancel everything. so no one going to Taiwan :)!!! <-- being sarcastic.
- Heard Coldplay coming to sg to perform, but ticket sold out :)!!

- Finish 4tec stage 2 and it was like ok... we got Re(on 2A.

- Training for my ippt test and soc, Since we dont train in camp most of the time, i started to go ahead and train together with a group of friends in camp.

- Went to IT fair on march, bought a mp3, a loud speaker for my bunk use and a audio tec earpiece.

- Started playing left 4 dead finally.

- Help out in buying the right home for my 2nd brother, help out in choosing the right furnitures and colors and electrical appliances for his new house. it looks awesome.
so awesome that i wanted to move in together with him. but couldn't.

- I'm organizing a BBQ gathering on Good Friday at West Coast Park.

- Emotionally Depressed several times.