Thursday, August 30, 2007

day 7


today.. i was suppose to work at 5pm at sentosa there


guna call me ard 3.30pm and said.. 'RAVI!!.. ganesh said need to be at sentosa at 4.30'

i was like YAY WE ARE LATE!!!.. it was already 3.30pm.. and 1 nice thing happen was ganesh's phone line got terminated.. so it is obviously difficult to communicate with him.. once in awhile he call us using payphone.. that's helped a little.. so anyway.. guna and me got into the train around 4.15 and we were reaching clementi and it was around 4.20.. i told guna to get down here and take a cab to sentosa.. he said ok

then we told the driver to bring us to vivo.. cause ganesh told us to meet us at the skytrain.. it is located at 3rd floor of vivo.. and it cost $3.. damn nice lah.. very fast can get to sentosa..

guna and me were at the 3rd floor waiting for him patiently.. about 10mins later he came.. we were like.. GANESH U ASS WHY LATE.. *PUNCH*... but we didnt.. oh then we went to the ticket buying place there and bought 3 tickets.. omg the girl that took the money was cute lah.. @.@ i mean seriously cute.. im not lying..

we took the skytrain.. and reach beach station.. we then walk to cafe del mar there.. the hotel just behind cafe del mar.. ZZZZ


That time i and my another friend walk past cafe del mar.. cos they had this interview thing.. and we wanted to work there and see how hot the waiteress were.. cos we saw in the new paper.. all the girls looked really ugly.. i wasnt even turned on when they were in their bikinis.. they didnt have any assets.. i'm sorry.. i think im being cruel :(

so anyway we walk past there.. i saw the beds on the sand.. damn romantic.. near the seaside somemore.. and on friday and saturday the club is opened 24hrs ..

alright.. so we went to siliso resort.. and we change our clothes.. and jeremy told us to arrange the table and chairs accordingly.. cos that day we had around 40 pax..

those ppl look like around mid 20s.. and i seriously donno what is/or their occupation.. i see there's indian foreign and also white man ( ANGMOH AH! )

there is this collegue i donno who the facauk is he.. but he keep telling me to go to the ROOM and clear everything.. i mean everything.. move the ppl's items.. such as bags, handbags, their sweaters, stationaries.. blablabla.. this guy speaks english in a lame ascent.. i dont even get him at all.. but i try to understand wad on earth is he speaking.. sometimes i stop him and ask again.. 'eh? wad.. wad was that u saying?'

i think he was offended.. well who doesnt.. then the crowd started to settle down around 7pm.. my friends and the rest of the collegues hold a tray.. and walk around asking ppl wad drink they wanna have.. 'Hi madam, we have coke,orange,sprite,ice water, and tiger beer draft. What would you like?' obviously they will say something from one of the choices.. and we take the drink from the side table and serve them..

this job is soo cool.. we get to see ppl eat and drink.. and we only serve drinks and clear their plates.. this is a buffet.. so they take the food themselves and feed themselves.. i wouldnt say this job is great.. it sucks to be a waiter. :(!

the event finish around 8.30.. we quickly clear the plates and drinks to the washing area.. and stack the chairs and bring it back to the store... so tiring.. then jeremy told us to go eat.. (THE LEFTOVERS) Boy.. it was the best food ever.. but eating the leftover isnt me... but i was starving.. so i just digged in.. who cares.. i mean everyone's doing it.. just EAT LAH.. pride all is gone after joining as a waiter.. no more reputation.. LOLS!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

then we ate to our heart's content.. then we clear clear clear.. then guna and i decide to steal 1 coke bottle.. damn cool lah.. i mean there was so many leftover.. SO MANY I SAY!.. the customers didnt drink them.. somemore it wasnt open.. then i took 1 and put inside my bag.. hoping they wont check lah.. i mean who will check unless.. they lost their wallet or handphone...

then it was around 10.40.. we changed and went to 7th floor.. that's the reception.. and we waited there .. the fat girl was to pay me for the day.. then i get my pay and went to the transport.. ganesh was hoping to get the pay.. cos he was sick and he wanted to go see the doctor... he went to hospital cos he's covered as he's in NS.. and he still work outside.. noone knows.. i decided to give him $20 cos he need to take cab to chua chu kang from alexandra road.. but when we tap the card at the mrt station... he cannot get in.. and he top up $10.. so lame.. so now left with $10.. and i lend him $25.. i dono why.. i lend ppl alot.. when times i need money badly.. i lend others cause i care about others too much.. i donno why and dont ask why.. it's natural for me.. but obviusly i keep some money lah.. i had $10.. LOL.. ok lo.. enough also.. then ganesh get off at queenstown and guna nad me went all the way to boon lay..

when walking towards interchange .. we saw fanny .. omg? she look like tomboy.. i had no commens.. she saw me and ignore.. wdf? i say.. hey fanny!!! u look different.. and blablabla.. we ask her to follow us to go eat... cos we were hungry..

we went to gek poh.. there's a 24 hour coffee shop.. and we bought the nasi lemak.. we ate and then we walk towards guna's house first.. then i was with fanny.. i was on the way walking fanny home... then guna called and said.. hey my clothes in your bag.. i forget to take.. then i was angry lah.. we halfway to fanny's house then call.. then i said .. nvm we still nearby.. we coming... then we went to his house there.. open the small door.. and stuff his clothes inside.. then we went home.. on the way.. fanny and i talked.. then at the junction there which is near her house already.. i went off.. i walked really fast ... i reached home earlier then fanny.. i come online and saw fanny appearing online ard 5mins later.. i ask her why she late.. she said she went to supermarket to buy things..

god girls can really shop for really long hours.. LOL.. wad to do.. they are curious beings.. they get excited easily.. lol im not offending anyone.. ok lo.. tml we celebrating zhiwei and fanny's birthday.. BYE~

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