Wednesday, September 26, 2007

day 33

Woke up around 4pm..

gene call me around 5pm.. and he ask me to come help out..

as he said 'today there's event.. and we need people.. can u come?'

i said ok as i need the money to pay bills for the next month.

i went to work.. i saw so many staff and so little customer.. and i ask michael..

he said there's no EVENT..


ok it's wednesday.. and powerhouse have ladies night.

so i thought confirm got alot of customers.. but in the end. there wasnt many customers..

oh my god.. so boring..

during my break.. i called ivan and talk on the phone.. till ganesh came up for his break.. and i talk to ivan for 1hr and 20mins.. so lame lah.. he was talking about games and games.. i was like @.@ ..... ya ya nice ah the game.. seriously.. i lost my interest for games.

after break when to the restruant.. saw so few customers.. and it was around 2.20am.. and 3am we are closing.. so i was a little happy as the time going on fast and i cant wait to go back home. vijay the prata chef lost his wallet.. containing his malaysia IC and other things he kept in his wallet.. so lame.. he told us he lost his IC for the 2nd time.. and now 3rd time.. and have to pay $150 for a new IC.. too bad.. i pity him.. but thinking about mine loss.. omg.. i regret bringing my hp to art park.. damn it lah..

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