Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 170 +++

This week was short cause of VESAK day!~


I love holidays.


this week we had this weapon firing called ATP.

it's a chance to get marksmen for your specialised weapon.

and my m16 together with m203 was the least useful weapon of all.

it's heavy, bulky, a lots of PROBLEM and cleaning the rifle after firing is a kILLER.

we had so many reshoots cause all the m16 users failed the test badly which includes myself.

For my day shoot, i got 1 out of 24 on target. Apparently my rifle doesnt likes me.

on my second shoot i got 13 out of 24 then still 80% failed. re-test again and i got 16 out of 24.

Oh yeah baby.. im getting the hang of it.

and i need another 16 points to get a total of 32 to get marksmen.


i had all hopes all around every inch of the corner.

i believe i can shoot all the target and get my beautiful marksmen badge pinned ontop my left

sleeve. I have to admit, night shoot was extremmely HORRIBLE.

i got 3 out of 16. After reshoot i got around 5 to 6 on target which placed myself on the passing

area. i don't know my score as my sgt didnt tell us so. He was a little disappointed with the

failures. but it's not our fault. m16 is 1 of the hardest weapon to use and it's super hard to get a

marksmen with that useless rifle. Cleaning of rifle was 3 hours. i had panda eyes and i suffered

from severe sleep loss which is bad for my health.

Booking out with civilian clothing was weird. but i saw a lot of overdressed ppl.

what's with them? going to club ah?

1 guy with super super skinny jeans. another guy wearing a red jeans?

like what the heck is going on?

wear pink jean with purple pockets LUH!

If your wanna dress like a fashionistar, you must look like 1.

i wore a humble heng teng collar tee shirt with a jeans and a shoe from pedro to match.

and my white heng teng looks bage in color. but who cares it's for camp wearing.

i dislike ppl over dressing for inapporipriate places or occuasions.

f#ck the spelling.. i dislike repeating myself.

ok that's about it. went to town watch chocolate.

awesome movie. way better then speed racer ( shitter )

gonna watch some movies online then sleep late cause today is booking in day.


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