Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 253


it's been a friggin long long time since i've updated my blog.

basically i have nothing interesting to post also.

i dont go out often so i dono what happening in the outside world.

stuck in NS, rotting my moments away.

actually i believe we can finish ns in within 6months, but i dono why they must drag it till 2 years.

But thank god i'm not those 2 and a half years batch.

pity them. haha!

ok anyway, i've updated my facebook which i finally took an interest on.

and tml i got my exam in HRM. which i hardly remember after a year and a half of not touching the books.

just refresh a little just now. Going to do some revision later on.

I have to get this over and done with.

dont have time to fiddle with this stupid diploma anymore.

already paid for the exam.


will update when i got time.

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